Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan

Mary has heard about the ocean from her mother and wonders it is still out there. She remember the one picture of the ocean but really doubts its existence. She and her brother Jed try to protect their mother from seeing their father as one of the unconsecrated but one day while her mother is watching the fence, she gets too close and is bitten. Her mother joins the world of the unconsecrated forcing Mary to live with the Sisterhood (those who always know what is best). While there she starts to learn the secrets of the sisterhood and also helps Travis her true love return to health. She is actually supposed to marry Travis's brother Harry and Travis will marry her best friend Cassandra. But then one day the fence is breached the unconsecrated enter the village trying to kill the living. Mary, her brother Jed and his wife, Travis, Harry and Cassandra manage to survive and start to follow the fence to find what is beyond the forest of hands and teeth in hopes of surviving.
The best book of my 2010 summer reading. The suspense grabbed me right away and lasted until the end. I can't wait to read the next book.

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