This sequel to GRACELING follows 17-year-old Bitterblue, daughter of King Leck, as she reigns as queen of Monsea. King Leck was a psychopath who had mind-altering abilities, and the country is still traumatized by his abuses. In an attempt to better understand her kingdom, Bitterblue begins to sneak out at night disguised as a peasant and realizes that she and her advisors cannot just pretend the abuses never happened, they must confront them. During these night roamings, Bitterblue meets Saf and Teddy, two thieves who only steal back what was stolen from the original owners. Saf has the two-colored eyes of a Graceling, but he has not yet discovered what his grace is. He and Bitterblue become romantically involved.
Some characters from GRACELING reappear in this sequel. Katsa sweeps in and out of the action, while Po acts as an advisor to Bitterblue. Katsa's passion and physicality contrasts to the more subdued Bitterblue. I did not find BITTERBLUE to be as compelling as GRACELING, but fans of the first book will definitely want to read the sequel.
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